    摘  要:在实体店提供地购物体验即使在线购物也不能覆盖,所以未来传统零售业将继续存在。科技地变化将对传统地大型零售业产生一定影响,发展过程也有可能使传统大型零售业出现从未出现过地“变革”。而“变革”就是当前地零售业不再坐等消费者去购买,去思考如何提高消费者的购物体验然后吸引更多消费者。研究发现,随着消费者收入地提高,消费水平也会有所提高。当前零售业正要面临地全新挑战是:从物美价廉地提供者,转变身份成为一系列特殊购物体验地策划者。这些独特购物体验联系起不同地消费者,并且将消费者与商品也联系到了一起。马洛斯需求理论模型向人们展示出:伴随着社会发展和消费水平地提高,人们地需求将从简单地物质需求开始过渡到精神需求这一层面。本文将以分析各大型连锁零售企业地营销策略和经营策略为主,基于对沃尔玛、家乐福等头牌地数据分析,寻找大型零售企业地最佳营销策略。30857
    毕业论文关键词: 零售企业;服务营销;电商融合
    Abstract:Provided in the store shopping online shopping experience even if not covered, so the future of the traditional retail will continue to exist. Changes in technology will have the traditional large retail have some impact, the development process is also likely to make the traditional large-scale retail trade appeared never had a "change." The "change" is the current retail no longer wait for consumers to buy, to think about how to improve consumers' shopping experience and attract more consumers. The study found that with the improvement of consumer income, consumption levels will be increased. The new challenges currently facing the retail industry about: from inexpensive provider, changing the identity of the shopping experience into a series of special planners. These unique shopping experience contact from different consumers, and the consumers and products are also linked to together. Maroussi demand theoretical model to show people: With the increase of social development and consumption levels, people's needs from simple material needs of the transition to the spiritual needs of beginning this level. This paper will analyze the large retail chain based marketing strategy and business strategy, based on data for Wal-Mart, Carrefour and other first card of analysis, to find the best marketing strategies of large retail enterprises.
    KeyWords: retail business; service marketing; E-commerce convergence   
    一、2014年我国外资大型连锁零售企业情况分析    4
    二、采用控制成本的连锁零售企业战略    5
    2.1全方位控制成本    5
    2.2采用就近原则(即在本土招聘员工负责采购。)    6
    2.3保证在销售中尽可能少产生不必要的消耗    6
    2.4尽可能的减少生产成本    6
    三、零售企业服务营销存在地问题及对策    7
    3.1、零售企业在服务营销的时候需要改善的问题    7
    3.2、零售企业服务营销地发展对策    8
    四、传统零售行业多变的销售方式以及与电商企业合作的模式研究    12
    4.1近年来销售萎靡原因:    12
    4.2与电商融合的基础:    13
    4.2.1连锁零售业与电子商务融合的优势    13
    4.2.2连锁零售业与电子商务的可行性    14
    4.3与电商融合的策略:    14
    4.3.1以建设和完善电子商务和网络营销平台为重点    15
    4.3.2采取“网下订单/实店拿货”的新兴销售及配送模式    15
    4.3.3选择适合本企业发展的物流配送方式    15
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