


    Abstract:The supermarket chain marketing problem is the key to its healthy development .This paper mainly discusses the supermarket chain marketing problems, Lotte matt as the samples, Based on the market marketing 4p marketing theory, Adopt the method of empirical analysis,To explore the marketing problem of supermarket chain.Huaian lotte found matt supermarket marketing performance problems in the price of the commodity prices low degree of differentiation, false pricing; the product performance for the specics is not rich, product placement is not neat; promotion problem of rebate activities less, poor service attitude;On the question of channel for the defect of supply chain performance. Through data analysis, this paper put forward countermeasures.In terms of price, to make the commodity price with degree of differentiation, mark the price clear.In terms of products, rich product variety, specification of goods are put .In terms of promotion, rebate activities, improve service attitude.In terms of channels, improve the supply chain management, achieve win-win situation with suppliers. 

    Keyword: Huaian,Lottemart, 4Pmarketing theory, marketing strategy  

    1  引言 3

    2  理论基础 3

    3  淮安乐天玛特基本情况和调查问卷设计和整理 3

    3.1  淮安乐天玛特超市基本情况 3

    3.2  调查问卷的设计和整理 4

    4  淮安乐天玛特超市营销问题分析 4

    4.1  产品不够丰富、产品摆放位置不整齐等 4

    4.2  商品价格没有区分度、价格制定不规范 5

    4.3  返利活动少,服务态度差,购物环境差 6

    4.4  供应链存在缺陷 7

    5  淮安乐天玛特超市营销策略问题的相关对策 7

    5.1  丰富商品种类,做好商品相关工作 7

    5.2  不定期打折、有区分度、明码标价 8

    5.3  举行返利活动、改善服务态度 8

    5.4  完善供应链管理,实现与供应商共赢 8

    结  论 9

    参考文献 10

    致  谢 11

    附  录 12

    1  引言


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