    关键词:KPI  绩效管理  人力资源管理  T灯具公司
    Title    Study on the sales position performance indicator  of T lamps company                                                                      
    With the rapid development of our country socialist market economy, enterprises are facing increasingly complex market environment, facing such a changeable, strong competition environment, to establish, develop and sustainable development, only by technical update is not enough, need scientific and reasonable maintenance, management, market, need to have a good team, you need to carry through the idea of "people-oriented" in-depth enterprise daily practice, these are the key links to strengthen the core competitiveness, an enterprise is the primary task of modern enterprise human resource management research. Based on this, this article to lamps and lanterns of T company as an example, through to the front-line sales positions as the research object, through the analysis of lamps and lanterns of T company sales performance management present situation and existing problems in the performance management index, to search for the sales team a key performance indicators (kpis) optimization countermeasures.
    Keywords The KPI  Performance management  Human resource management  T company of lamps and lanterns
    目   次
    前  言    0
    (一)研究背景    0
    (二)研究意义    1
    (三)研究内容与研究方法    1
    1 知识基础    2
    1.1 绩效指标的内涵与分类    2
    1.1.1 绩效指标的内涵    2
    1.1.2 绩效指标分类    2
    1.2 绩效指标设计原则    3
    2 T灯具公司销售岗位绩效所存在的问题    4
    2.1 T灯具公司概况    4
    2.2 T灯具公司销售岗位绩效管理现状    4
    2.2.1 T灯具公司销售岗位职责    4
    2.2.2 T灯具公司销售岗位绩效指标现状    5
    2.3 T灯具公司销售岗位绩效指标所存在的问题    5
    2.3.1 绩效指标与公司战略匹配度不高,缺乏增值性    5
    2.3.2 绩效指标设计单一,缺乏整体性    6
    2.3.3 过分注重结果,过程可测性缺乏    6
    2.3.4 员工评估方式简单,难以体现可控性    6
    2.3.5 绩效面谈形式化,难以体现指标设计的关联性    7
    3 T灯具公司销售岗位绩效指标优化对策    8
    3.1 优化思路    8
    3.2 优化后的具体方案    12
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