    Abstract We planned this case for advertiser Nantong YUTU Co., mainly about the YUTU group marketing strategy planning.We carefully studied the situation and status of Nantong YUTU company. It was decided that the regional planning be carried out mainly in Nantong city and surrounding towns areas. First, we analysed Nantong YUTU marketing environment Precisely, which includes packets meat industry, consumer analysis and
    competitor analysis. Through the analysis, we conclude the advantages and psadvantages of Nantong YUTU Group currently as well as opportunities and threats. After clear the entire market, consumers and Nantong YUTU brand status, we further defined the brand's Selling point and market positioning.And seized the emotional needs, create "own brand, trusted brands, guaranteed brand" brand image. on the basis of the analysis, we have planned a series of campaigns consisted of print, outdoor, television, public relations and other forms of advertising to promote  visibility and consumer recognition of Nantong YUTU group , to make the YUTU brands to catch up Shuanghui, Jinluo and other well-known brands in Nantong city,greatly enhance sales. We developed a year marketing plan for Nantong YUTU Group, from October 2014 to October 2015. The whole Campaign was be planed with various forms advertisement,which effects on not only creating the image but also promoting sales.In the channel, we continue to improve the supermarkets, convenience stores, restaurants three channels. On promotions, main in holiday promotions,we also help YUTU do terminal sales well. Through the above marketing plan, we trying to greatly improve the  awareness and recognition of Nantong YUTU brand to enhance brand quality and value, so that consumers clear brand image and value; In the same time
    increasing product sales and market share.
    Key words: YUTU company;Brand; marketing; media
    前言 随着农村经济的发展,肉类消费市场除在城市仍有扩展的空间外,在农村有着更大的增长潜力。随着我国新农村城镇建设进程的加快和农民收入水平的提高,肉类食品消费数量在较长的时间内会持续增长。所以肉制品行业的需求是可观的。
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