    The analysis of different ages’ perceptions of spreading core socialist values of events
    Abstract: With the vividly spread of China’s events, expect for the traditional festival, the governments in order to develop local economy and improve the urban image, they are developing their personal events like Qingdao Beer Festival, Xuyi Crayfish Festival. These kinds of events are all most hold by local government and cooperate with other pision. The governments have been heavily involved is for developing local economy and improving the urban image, also for promoting cultural and ideological progress, they want to spread core socialist values through the events. So whether spectator could get the point is worth to explore. Through the questionnaire of different ages’ perceptions of spreading core socialist values of events, although the age is different, but except for the teenager, almost the spectators think like the same. Their opinion of how the event perfectly spreading the core socialist values is all about the theme which can be distinctly expressed and spread by different ways. Thus, to get more and more people involved in and get more attention to the events.
    Key Words: events; socialist; core values; different ages
    目 录
    引 言    1
    一、绪论    2
    一、研究目的和意义    2
    (一)课题的研究目的:    2
    1. 探究重大节庆活动。    2
    2. 探究节庆活动所传播的社会主义思想。    2
    3. 调查分析不同年龄对于节庆活动所传播的社会主义核心价值观的感知。    2
    (二)课题研究的意义:    2
    二、课题的研究现状和发展趋势:    2
    (一)课题的研究背景:    2
    (二)课题的研究现状:    3
    (三)课题的研究发展趋势:    3
    二、重大节庆传播社会主义核心价值观方式方法研究调查问卷    4
    (一) 调查方法    4
    (二) 样本分布    4
    (四) 分析报告    5
    1.    不同年龄对于重大节庆活动传播社会主义核心价值观的传播准确度的感知分析    5
    2.    不同年龄对于重大节庆活动传播社会主义核心价值观的传播广度的感知分析    6
    3.    不同年龄对于重大节庆活动传播社会主义核心价值观的传播深度的感知分析    6
    4.    不同年龄对于重大节庆活动传播社会主义核心价值观的传播主体的感知分析    7
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