    毕业论文关键词: 众筹;创新;环境氛围;激励机制;学习型企业
    The Study Of Crowdfunding Enterprise Innovation Ability Training Employees Raise
    Abstract Entering the 21st century, the biggest problem that influences the development of enterprises is the advent of knowledge economy. With the development of economic globalization, the accelerating social change makes enterprises face with the increasingly fierce competition. Innovation has become the important strategic resources of enterprise. It also becomes a good way to make business enterprises stand out in numerous competitors. Innovation is the key to the sustainable development of enterprises.
    Enterprise is the main body of innovation in market, and the staff is the main body of enterprise's innovation. The innovation ability of employees is the foundation and motivation of the enterprise’s sustainable development. However, the ability of innovation is not inborn, but can be trained through the scientific theory and method.
    Crowdfunding is a new financing way which comes from an American website named kickstarter. There is an old saying in China which says there is strength in numbers. This is the aim of crowdfunding as well. Financing from the public as the start up capital can let the people who need these funds to complete their dream. Fund raisers can return the original to the public and additional parts return after certain achievements which can be money or stock equity, etc. It is beneficial for both sides to achieve mutually beneficial win-win purpose.
    This article put forward several methods to develop the innovative ability of the crowdfunding enterprise employees through the studies on the current situation and development of domestic enterprises, analysing the importance of innovative ability in the crowdfunding enterprise.
    KeyWords:  Crowdfunding;  Innovation;  Environment atmosphere;  Incentive mechanism; learning enterprise
    目 录
    一、绪 论    1
    (一) 众筹的发展背景    1
    (二) 研究思路    2
    二、众筹与创新    3
    (一)众筹的概述    3
    1、众筹的定义    3
    2、众筹的起源    3
    3、众筹的特征    3
    4、众筹的优点    4
    (二)创新的定义    4
    (三)经济全球化的要求    5
    1、经济成长的要求    5
    2、提高企业的竞争力    5
    3、满足消费多样性需求    5
    (四)创新能力培养的基础    5
    1、员工素质得到提高    5
    2、社会分工不断细化    6
    3、创造力具有普遍性和可开发性    6
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