    关键词    互联网  餐饮业  营销模式  网络营销
    毕业论文外文摘 要
    Title    The research of new marketing model of  catering industry in the Internet era                                        
    In the Internet era, high-end restaurants are in continuous transition to general public catering,which intensifies the competition in the mass catering market. At the same time,faced with the complex development environment of catering, catering enterprises of different sizes are sought to get out of trouble by the power of the Internet. They use information technology tools such as O2O, APP  provide online ordering and online payment services to clients. And  many catering companies choose microletters and other microblog as new means of marketing.
    This paper analyze the necessity and feasibility  for modern catering enterprises to adopt network marketing model, by drawing  network marketing theory of catering business. and based on the theory guidance and business practices, this article finds out the problems in the catering business network model transformation .And we explore suitable online marketing strategies to solve these problems .
    Keywords   Internet  Catering industry  Marketing model  Online marketing
    目   次
    1  引言    1
    1.1 背景    1
    1.2 餐饮业网络营销必要性及可行性分析    2
    1.3 研究思路及方法    4
    2  我国餐饮业互联网营销的现状    5
    2.1总体情况    5
    2.2餐饮业的传统营销方式    5
    2.3存在的问题    7
    3  互联网餐饮营销案例分析    8
    3.1 互联网餐饮营销成功案例    8
    3. 2 案例成功模式总结    10
    4  餐饮业网络营销模式发展建议    11
    4.1  加强餐饮业的网络化建设,特别是餐饮企业网站的建设    11
    4.2  加强餐饮企业网络营销意识    11
    4.3  加强餐饮行业的网络营销人才培养    12
    4.4  整合网络营销方法,加强信息的传播与交流    12
    结  论    14
    致  谢    15
    1  引言
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