    关键词:反腐倡廉  廉政文化  大众化  对策
    Title  The dilemma and outlets of China's  clean government culture  popularization                     
    "Water can carry a boat to capsize, people are always the creator and promoter of history, and the honest is always measure of the relationship between the state and its people in the dynasties. Therefore, in the new stage of anti-corruption has been put on the agenda, has become the focus of government and the state. Clean government culture popularization has important significance for the development of clean government of our country.
    In the process of research by using literature research method, systematic research method and theory and practice of comprehensive research methods, through the connotation of culture, the cultural popularization and feature definition, combined with the current development of the process of social and cultural integrity  in popularization, deeply analysed the problems existing in our country, and emphasized the significance of popular culture, construction of the country and government work in China at the present stage,  detailed analysis of China's independent culture popularization status and the causes of the problems. Finally, according to the the analysis draws the conclusion and puts forward some feasible path three implementation of clean government culture popularization construction, to improve  the dilemma of culture popularization.
    Keywords  culture of a clean and honest government,  Popularization,  dilemma,  feasible path
    目   次
    1  绪论1
    1.1  研究背景及意义1
    1.2  文献综述…1
    1.3  研究思路及方法3
      2  廉政文化大众化的相关理论解释4
    2.1  廉政文化的内涵4
    2.2  廉政文化大众化的内涵…5
    2.3  廉政文化大众化的意义…5
    3  我国廉政文化大众化的现状及问题…7
    3.1  我国廉政文化大众化的现状…7
    3.2  我国廉政文化大众化面临的主要问题…8
    4  我国廉政文化大众化出现问题的原因10
    4.1  经济因素角度…10
    4.2  法律法规角度…10
    4.3  廉政文化运行角度…11
    5  推进我国廉政文化大众化的可行路径12
    5.1  加大廉政文化大众化投入12
    5.2  充分发挥人民群众在廉政文化大众化中的作用…12
    5.3  加强廉政文化大众化制度和法律建设…13
    结论 …15
    致谢 …17
    参考文献 …19
    1  绪论
    1.1  研究背景及意义
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