    [摘 要]随着当今社会对儿童心理问题的不断重视,儿童主观生活质量受到越来越多的社会关注。通过多项研究表明,对儿童的主观生活质量有着较大影响的为因素以学校和家庭环境为主,其中家庭环境起着关键性的作用。随着中国社工的不断发展,为了满足构建和谐社会、政府中心转型的需要,学校社工正在逐步开展当中。本研究通过以泰州市海军小学的100名儿童进行前后数据分析和专业社工方法的介入,得出学校社工介入对儿童主观生活质量存在影响。实现学校社工的开展,能够改善儿童的心理和行为,有助于提高儿童主观生活质量,提高儿童的满意度水平,增强其主观幸福感。35514
    [毕业论文关键词]儿童主观生活质量 学校社工 幸福感
    School social work intervention and childrens' subjective quality of life research
    [Abstract]As today's society for childrens' psychological problems, childrens' subjective quality of life by more and more social attention.As today's society for childrens' psychological problems, childrens' subjective quality of life by more and more social attention.With the continuous development of China's social work, in order to meet the needs of the construction of a harmonious society, the government center transformation, school social work is carried out step by step.This study, 100 children of primary school by taking the navy before and after data analysis and the involvement of professional social work methods, it is concluded that the school social work intervention effect on the subjective quality of life of children. To develop, the implementation of school social worker can improve childrens' psychology and behavior, to improve childrens' subjective quality of life, improve the satisfaction level of children, enhance their subjective well-being.
    [key words]The childrens' subjective quality of life  The school social worker  Happiness
    中文摘要    1
    一、绪论    1
    (一)研究背景和意义    1
    1.研究背景    1
    2.研究意义    2
    (二)文献综述    2
    1.国内研究现状    2
    2. 国外研究现状    3
    (三)研究方法    3
    1.文献法    3
    2.问卷法    4
    二、调查现状    4
    (一)调查概况    4
    (二)样本基本情况    4
    1.性别    5
    2.年龄    5
    3.年级    6
    4.家庭关系    6
    三、学校社工的介入成效    7
    (一)总体样本成效    7
    1.八个文度    8
    2.三个水平    12
    3.配对样本T检验    14
    (二)个案访谈实践与反思    15
    1.个案一    16
    2.个案二    18
    (三)小组工作实践与反思    20
    1.小组基本情况    20
    2.小组总结与反思    20
    (四)大型活动实践与反思    21
    四、结语    22
    [注释]    23
    [参考文献]    23
    附件:儿童主观生活质量问卷(ISLQ)    26
    英文摘要    28
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