EPC 模式在我国还比较新,目前仅在化工、电力等较少行业中被采用,它的广泛应用面临着很多问题。对总承包商而言,风险管理问题是首当其冲的。EPC 模式下,总承包商在利润得以提高、合同权力得以加强的同时,承担的风险也随之增大。
本文运用系统的思文方法,结合工程实践,从总承包商的角度对 EPC 总承包项目的风险进行了分析、归纳和总结,得出了 EPC 总承包项目的风险列表、层次分析模型及适用的应对方法。在对 EPC 模式和风险理论深入解析的基础上,从 EPC 项目风险的系统性、可控性、阶段性三个角度对 EPC 总承包项目的风险管理进行了研究。
关键词: EPC模式;风险识别;风险管理;风险应对
Research on the risk management of EPC project
Abstract: In China it has entered the period of rapid growth of construction projects. The market competition becomes more intensified, and the mutual influence of the participating subjects also makes project management more complex, coupled with the uncertainty of the project in which the external environment, making the risk of construction projects increasing. EPC model has been widely used in the international arena, the direction of development of the engineering construction project management model. So, this article has important theoretical and practical significance to study the risk management of construction projects based on EPC mode.
The development of construction industry demands EPC. From the point of view of continuance, EPC makes the liability of all participator more unambiguous, so the quality can be more easily ensured; from the point of view of employer, EPC helps him release from the fussy work of project management; from the point of view of general contractor, EPC gives him the chance to earn more profit.
While the improvement of profit and the strengthen of contract power, more risks will follow the general contractor. In this dissertation, the writer used systemic thought way to analyze the risk, recurring to some engineering practice. In conclusion, the writer brought forward the risk list of EPC, the AHP model of EPC and the replying methods. Under the base of deep analysis of EPC model, the writer did research on the risk management of EPC from three aspects: system, control and phases. The research will help the general contractor detect, comprehend and manage the risks.
KEYWORDS: EPC mode; Risk identify; Risk management; Risk response
1 绪论 1
1.1 选题的背景 1
1.2 国内外风险管理研究现状 2
1.2.1 国外项目风险管理研究的现状 2
1.2.2 国内项目风险管理研究的现状 3
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