    The analysis of cultural industry chain and Countermeasures of Anqing Huangmei Opera
    Abstract: This paper studies Anqing Huangmei Case Status in the contemporary context, and the development trend of the industry chain of its formation and development in accordance with their traditional background combined under the quintessence how to maintain its own characteristics, and based on world culture among the growing innovation own proposals put forward, I hope the traditional quintessence could be developed without annihilation in the long history!The first part describes the Huangmei opera’s alias, origin, on behalf of the artists, the second part is about the change of Huangmei opera in historical development; in recent years, in the country to vigorously support the development of cultural industries, Anqing city government to give a number of policy support to promote Huangmei opera, and development of Huangmei art; in a number of government forces and civil society, artists, driven by the gradual formation of Huangmei arts industry chain focusing describe the art form of traditional Chinese culture and the position in the market economy ; Huangmei opera culture in the promotion process and its industrial chain in the reasons for the slow development of economic, cultural, policy three aspects. The third part is the analysis after the  result, the judge of investigation and in a market economy for how to promote the development of arts and cultural industry chain of Huangmei opera made in accordance with the appropriate judgments and decisions!Finally, I am born in Anqing, want to be known as the name of Anqing Huangmei Opera can flourish as a traditional Chinese cultural legacy, not only as an elegant art spread between the minority, but hope that it will be more and more widely known ! So, I will go in their own creative ideas to design some cultural products, hoping to develop Huangmei cultural industries contribute to a force!
    KeyWords: Anqing;Huangmei Opera;Industrial chain
    目  录
    第一章    前言3
    第二章 黄梅戏的历史发展历程5
    第三章 黄梅戏文化产业链
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