    毕业论文关键词:粮食产量  耕地资源  耕地面积  变化
    Researching and analyzing the variation of agricultural acreage and grain production
    --taking Xu Zhou as example
    China is a populous country, and the issue of grain yield will impact on the problem of feeding 1.4 billion population. As a consequent, the grain output is deeply associated with national development strategy. Basically, cultivated land resource is the main means of production for the grain production. However, in a certain time and zone, the variation of cultivated area must result in the variation of grain sown area and subsequent grain output. Thus, probing into the coordinated development between cultivated area and grain yield plays a key role for grain production and sustainable development.
    With the development of urbanization and industrialization urban construction has occupied a large number of cultivated lands.  The appearance of this social phenomenon raises the following issues: what the influences are for grain production? Does it affect food security problem? This dissertation will research and analyze the variation of agricultural acreage and grain production, as well as research into their associated relationships with the data of arable area and grain production in Xu Zhou by literature research, theoretical research and empirical research and other methods. According to the result of analysis, providing some reference comments for Xu Zhou cultivated land issue and grain issue, and enriching this related topic of research.
    This dissertation will be pided into five sections to elaborate and analyze the relationship between agricultural acreage change and grain production variation. The first part is introduction, which mainly states utilization status of cultivated land, background, objectives, significance, methodology and content. Additionally, using some related literature to ensure this topic is scientific and reasonable. The second part will introduce general information of Xu Zhou city, such as location, climate, temperature band, and other basic geographic features.  The third part will describe the current cultivated land situation of Xu Zhou, and analyze the reason that new policy has influence on change of agricultural acreage. Moreover, it will also discuss the reasons of Xu Zhou’s grain production change based on the society and environment at that time. The forth part is primary analytic processes, which demonstrate the algorithm of correlation coefficient, analyze cultivated area, sown area and grain production as well. On the basis of annual statistical data of Xu Zhou, each year’s cultivated area and grain production figure out their annual change rate to analyze and compare. What’s more, applying SPSS into analysis of correlation among cultivated area, sown area and grain production, then working out the relation of cultivated land change and the change of grain yield. The last part will summarize the forth part and get conclusions, simultaneously, making some relevant and reasonable suggestions. 
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