    毕业论文关键词:南京市  特色文化产业  创新思路研究
    A innovation research on development of the characteristic culture industry in Nanjing
    Abstract:In the modern world, with the continuous improvement of science and technology and informatization level and the continuous development of economic globalization, countries around the world compete increasingly in the field of the third industry , particularly in the field of culture.All countries will improve the status of cultural industry to a new height in the field of economic development.This article have found some problems in the development process of nanjing characteristics cultural industry by researching the nanjing characteristic culture industry development foundation and the present situation.In the end,this artical put forward several relevant suggestions to optimize the distribution of the talent Combined with nanjing's own economic development, the government's policy of innovation city characteristics from the overall urban and rural development, brand, improve the public management system, optimize the investment and financing system, so as to promote nanjing characteristic culture industry with nice and fast development.
    Keywords: nanjing;Characteristics of cultural industry ;Innovation research
     目   录
    1绪论    1
    1.1国外研究现状    1
    1.2国内研究现状    1
    1.3南京市文化产业发展研究    2
    2特色文化产业发展的条件    2
    2.1丰富的文化资源是特色文化产业发展的重要资本    2
    2.2雄厚的经济实力是特色文化产业发展的经济基础    2
    2.3居民生活水平的提高是特色文化产业市场的保证    3
    2.4良好的政府政策是特色文化产业发展的重要保障    4
    3南京市特色文化产业发展现状    5
    3.1南京特色文化产业快速发展    5
    3.2特色文化产业结构    5
    3.2.1特色旅游产业发展    5
    3.2.2特色文化艺术活动的发展    6
    3.2.3工艺文化产业发展    6
    3.2.4特色影视产业发展    7
    3.3特色文化产业园发展    8
    4南京市特色文化产业发展存在的问题    8
    4.1文化产业创新不足,市场难以开拓    8
    4.2城乡发展不平衡,文化产业多集中于城市    8
    4.3特色文化产业公共管理体系不完善    9
    4.4特色文化产业园区发展不足    9
    5南京市特色文化产业发展对策及创新思路分析    9
    5.1特色文化下基层,丰富农村特色文化生活    9
    5.2创新特色文化产业品牌,走向国际市场    9
    5.3完善特色文化产业公共服务管理体系    10
    5.4大力发展特色文化产业园    10
    5.5优化特色文化产业发展投融资体系    10
    5.6加快特色文化产业人才配置    10
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