    On the Recent Development in Gansu Folk Talk-and-sing Art of Liang Zhou Xian Xiao
    Abstract "Liangzhou Xian Xiao" is the root of the ancient folk art in Liangzhou this piece of land, approved by the State Council in May 2006 20 was included in the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage, has a very strong influence on the culture of this piece of land in Liangzhou. With the reform of social economic system, new things continue to emerge. "The development of Liangzhou Xianxiao art also faces severe challenges, there is a lack of effective protection measures of the government of Liangzhou Xianxiao art; Liangzhou Xianxiao art artist living situation is worrying; civil protection mechanism is not perfect, weak awareness of the protection of local culture; Liangzhou Xianxiao Art itself not conducive to the development of the dross problem. Taking Liangzhou Xianxiao art as the research object, analyzes and summarizes the development status of Liangzhou Xianxiao art, discusses the Liangzhou Xianxiao art. Problems and according to the problems existing in the proposed government to increase protection efforts, establish a sound protection mechanism; non-governmental organizations to clear objectives, in line with the government's protection; improve existing filial piety artist level, training of high-quality new; reject the dross, prompting "Liangzhou Xian Xiao" art for the healthy development of development proposals, hope can take to promote the prosperity and development of this ancient folk art.
    Key Words: Liangzhou Xian Xiao;  cultural heritage;  protection development
    目  录
    摘要 I
  1. 上一篇:某工业区生产安全评价与监管机制研究
  2. 下一篇:许昌曹魏文化开发研究
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