


    Research on the development strategy choice of small and medium sized enterprises


     From the perspective of the world, the vitality of small and medium enterprises. The United States economy for seven or eight consecutive years strong trend, mainly due to the rapid development of small and medium enterprises in science and technology. According to the National Science Foundation's research, the number of innovative research and development costs per 1 U.S. dollars, small businesses are 24 times the size of medium-sized enterprises, small enterprises accounted for 55% of the total innovation of enterprise innovation. In our country, the small and medium-sized enterprise has occupied half of the country's national economy. Small and medium-sized enterprise is an important force in China's national economic and social development, promote the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, is to maintain an important force in the national economy and social development, promote the development of small and medium-sized enterprises is an important foundation to maintain steady and rapid development of the national economy, is the major strategic task of the relationship between the people's livelihood and social stability. The impact of the international financial crisis, production and management of small and medium-sized enterprises of our country face difficulties. The government, enterprises must take even more vigorous and effective policies and measures, to help small and medium-sized enterprise to overcome difficulties, transform the mode of development, to achieve sound and rapid development; must adhere to solve the current problems and focus on the overall development of the combination, adhere to the maintain steady and rapid development and promote structural adjustment and technological progress combined, guide to small and medium-sized enterprises to take the road of sustainable development.

    Key Words: small and medium-sized enterprise  situation  development strategic    measure

    目  录

















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