

    The rapid development of information technology and the Internet and technology innovation make e-commerce transactions to obtain tens of thousands of times the growth,while group buying has become one of the most popular e-commerce market customers sales model.Catering group buying with its variety, low discount, in various forms and many other advantages become one of the most popular in the group project category, so the research on the catering group purchase user behavior has very important significance. Based on MEITU, this paper collect the data of the past (content, price, discount, original cost,sales volume,score) .Through the questionnaire combined with marketing, consumer behavior and knowledge, it analyzes the characteristics and rules of users shopping from the corresponding. The study of consumer behavior can guide network group buying better development and progress.The research is meaningful to find a good platform for the rapid development mode and provide reference for website operators to better grasp the user's shopping tendency.It can help sellers develop appropriate marketing strategy .Also there are benefits for website to enhance the effectiveness.  

    毕业论文关键词:餐饮团购; 折扣;

    Keyword: Catering group buying; Discount;

    目    录


        (一)研究背景 4

    (二)国内外研究现状 6

    (三)目前存在的主要问题 7

    (四)研究的主要内容 8

    (五)研究方法 8


    (一)美团网概况                                                  8

    (二)美团网盈利模式                                              9

    (三)用户行为因素分析                                            9


    (一) 通过火车头信息采集器采集美团自有数据的分析                 11

    (二) 售价的高低与餐饮团购销量                                   11

    (三) 评分的高低与餐饮团购销量                                   13

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