


    Abstract:From 1970, since the start of Internet applications, Internet technology has undergone crazy irrational stage of development, technology reforming stage, and today is still deeply into the evolution and far-reaching implications in the web2.0 era "in 40 years , China's Internet economy is unstoppable, during 2005-2010, the pace of development of the domestic Internet economy far more than the country's GDP growth rate of Internet use on the domestic economy had a profound impact. And one of the Web search technology, even in recent years, following the momentum of Internet applications has been fully developed, China's search engine users accounted for the proportion of all Internet users already total more than 70%, the number of users has exceeded 200 million mark. With Web search platform the rapid development of technology, PPC search network to promote this new model has been applied since 2000, with its promotion of high accuracy, low barriers to entry, and cost control and other advantages, the rapid capture of all types of businesses, currently PPC search operators become major revenue model search engines and major domestic industry portal.

        In this background, this article in ranking search taobao train the bidding program, on the basis of the data collected advertisers real cost and revenue data for empirical research, in order to make up for the inadequacy of previous research in this aspect, accurately estimate the actual effect of bidding. Analysis by using data obtained from practical operation through train, to research on operation and performance of search engine marketing. Hope to be able to analysis the search engine marketing can play an role in the actual production and living.

    毕业论文关键词:搜索引擎营销; 竞价排名; 实例分析; 运营与绩效研究; 

      Keyword:Search Engine Marketing ;  PPC;  Case Study;  Study on the operation and performance

     目    录

    1. 引言 4

    1.1 研究背景和意义 4

    1.2 国内外研究现状 4

    1.2.1 国内研究 4

    1.2.2 国外研究 5

    1.3 研究内容 5

    1.4研究方法 5


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