


    Fresh has become many Internet businesses coveted a big cake, although a lot of fresh electric business platform in fresh, but because of the uniqueness of fresh agricultural products, make fresh electrical business risks and opportunities coexist.The role of the consumer cannot ignore, also influence the development of fresh electricity, so businesses need to do more homework by standing in the consumer's point of view, this is also one of the important factors to promote the development of fresh. Under the background of the era of big data, however, consumer`s psychological and behavioral dominated by consumer demand, consumer  has the choice of more power and freedom than in the past online shopping, especially can according to their own characteristics and needs of the worldwide looking for they satisfy the goods again, is not subject to regional restriction. Therefore, in order to further analyze the psychological and behavior of consumer online shopping fresh, this article will combine the bottleneck of China's specific situation analysis of fresh electricity development, as well as the influence factors of influence consumers purchase intention, targeted for fresh agricultural products e-commerce development strategy of optimization and adjustment, to explore the decision-making factors affecting consumer e-commerce fresh food, put forward the corresponding suggestion, so that enterprises can achieve better marketing, help fresh electricity targeted formulate strategic target. Put forward the feasible scheme to promote consumer purchase decision.

    毕业论文关键词:生鲜电商; 消费行为; 消费心理; 购买决策

    Keyword: Fresh electrical business;  Consumer behavior;  buying decision;  Consumer behavior


    1. 引言 4

    1.1. 研究背景和意义 4

    1.2. 生鲜电商发展现状 4

    1.3. 国内外研究 7

    1.3.1. 国外研究 7

    1.3.2. 国内研究 7

    1.4. 研究存在的问题 7

    1.5. 研究内容 8

    1.6. 拟解决的主要问题 8

    1.7. 研究方法 8

    2. 相关理论综述 8

    2.1. 消费习惯 8

    2.2. 购买决策 9

    2.3. 消费者心理 9

    2.4. 消费者行为

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