

    Abstract:  With the deepening of understanding of mobile health, mobile medical applications will become more and more popular. In an increasingly competitive market of mobile medical, mobile medical applications, a good user experience about the mobile medical applications will tend to increase user stickiness, so that the user likes the mobile medical applications and make it become the first choice for users of similar products. In this article, through reference to relevant theory and research results, with the method of interview and questionnaire survey,  and summarize some of the important factors that affect the user experience of mobile medical applications, creating final evaluation model with 17 measurement total from interface characteristics, usefulness, functionality and technical performance, get the weight of each index in the share of the user experience through the Analytic Hierarchy Process.Finally, based on the established index system, in order to "spring rain doctors" as a case, select the user to issue relevant questionnaire, and then, analysis of the questionnaire results, to do user experience evaluation of the mobile medical applications.

    毕业论文关键字: 用户体验,移动医疗应用,影响因素,指标体系

        Keyword:user experience, mobile medical applications,  influence factors;indicator system

     目    录

    1.引言 4

    1.1 研究背景和意义 4

    1.2 研究内容 4

    1.3 本文创新点 5

    2.文献综述 5

    2.1 关于移动医疗的相关研究 5

    2.2 关于移动医疗应用的相关研究 5

    2.3关于用户体验的相关研究 6

    2.3 关于移动应用用户体验的相关研究 7

    2.3总结 8

    3.移动医疗应用用户体验影响因素及指标体系构建 8

    3.1 移动医疗应用用户体验影响因素 8

    3.2移动医疗应用用户体验评价指标体系构建 10

    3.3移动医疗应用用户体验的指标体系各指标权重 11

    4.案例分析:春雨医生 13

    4.1案例介绍 13

    4.2案例研究过程 13

    4.2.1问卷的设计与发放 13

    4.2.2问卷数据统计与结果分析 14

    5.结束语 16

    参考文献 17


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