



    In recent years, online shopping is accepted by the public, more online shopping platforms come into our sight. Online shopping is different from traditional shopping that people can see and touch the products, so consumers will perceive more risk. How to keep consumers to become more assured in the online shopping process is the founder of a website and sellers to survive. In this study, I would like to build confidence in E-commerce market and reduce the risk that consumers may concept by online reviews. This article aims at guiding shop owners or online review sites to make the effective review mechanism.

    This thesis showed the affections on online reviews to consumers ' online purchasing decisions by using of empirical approach. According to the present online reviews of consumer risk perceptions in the online shopping process, made six major assumptions. In order to explore the impact risk in online shopping decisions, extract five factors which are associated with online shopping.

    The hypotheses were approved by using the data obtained through the questionnaire and using software SPSS17.0 and Minitab16 to make reliability test and validity analysis by using the following analysis of factors, descriptive statistics, correlation, ANOVA, support vector regression. And then analyze the mediating role of perceived risk. Finally, got results and made reasonable recommendations which apply for the domestic internet retailers and platforms.

    毕业论文关键词:在线评论;感知风险; 购买决策;评价机制

    Keyword: Online Reviews;Perceived Risk;Shopping Decisions;Evaluation mechanism 

    目    录

    1 引言 5

    1.1研究背景与意义 5

    1.2 研究的内容 5

    1.3研究方法 6

    1.4 技术路线 6

    1.5 本文创新点 7

    2 文献综述 8

    2.1消费者感知风险的相关研究 8

    2.2口碑、在线口碑、在线客户评论的相关研究 9

    2.3消费者购物决策相关研究 9

    2.4在线评论对网购决策影响的相关研究 10

    2.5感知风险在在线评论对消费者购买决策中的影响的相关研究 10


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