

    Abstract:TV shopping as a new way of shopping, were in stable stage of development in many countries, and achieved good efficiency. TV shopping had a brief in the early years of development in China, soon due to the emergence of many problems, losing the trust of the consumers, entered a long period of time. This paper summarizes the main problems of the Chinese TV shopping, at the same time, cite the success of Hunan Happigo channel. On this basis, put forward in the factors affecting consumer television shopping based on the consumer psychological. Through the questionnaire survey and data analysis,get conclusions. Then, put forward the corresponding suggestion or strategy implementation for the better development of domestic TV shopping, and provide the reference for a better growth.

    毕业论文关键词:  电视购物; 消费者心理; 消费者行为; 消费者意愿

    Keyword: TV shopping; Consumer Psychology; Consumer Behavior; Consumer Wish

    目  录

    1绪论 3

    1.1研究背景和意义 3

    1.1.1研究的背景 3

    1.1.2研究的意义 5

    1.2研究目标和内容 5

    1.3研究框架和基本方法 6

    1.3.1研究框架 6

    1.3.2基本研究方法 6

    2相关理论与文献综述 6

    2.1电视购物理论简述 6

    2.1.1电视购物的概念 6

    2.1.2电视购物的形式 7

    2.2国内电视购物的发展现状和主要问题 7

    2.2.1国内电视购物的发展现状 7

    2.2.2国内电视购物的主要问题 8

    2.3“快乐购”的创新之处 8

    2.4消费者购买心理相关理论简述 9

    2.4.1消费者的一般心理过程 9

    2.4.2消费者的心理类型 10

    2.4.3消费者的心理动机 10

    2.4.4影响消费者购买心理的因素 11

    2.5消费者购买意愿 11

    3理论模型及研究方法设计 12

    3.1研究模型的相关因素分析 12

    3.2研究模型的提出 13

    3.3定义研究变量 13

    3.4研究假设的提出 14

    4数据分析 14

    4.1数据描述性统计分析 14


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