    With the economic develop,people's living standards improve, and constantly improve the spending power, the Mobil phone has quietly evolved into a luxury goods from the time today's "daily necessities". Facing constant saturation of the domestic mobile phone market, once the "Blue Ocean" become a "Red Sea". Seeking to escape the "Red Sea", to find a new "Blue ocean", has become the first choice for the Mobile phone companies continue to thrive. And enter the international market, international markets, international marketing, it will be the best road .
    In this paper, the current momentum of rapid development in China's mobile phone companies - Beijing millet Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as millet company), as the research object, combined with related marketing strategies of competitors status and international marketing of millet companies to adopt SWOT analysis The company's presence in the international marketing problems. Including patent lack of imperfect channels, lack of brand influence, over-reliance on hardware profits. The following recommendations to address the problem: increasing patent applications and research and development efforts; broaden the channels; brand building, enhance the brand's international influence; emphasis phone design, looking for new profit point.  
    Key words:Millet phone;The mobile phone market;International Marketing;Marketing Strategy;Tactics
    目    录
    摘 要    1
    Abstract    2
    1.导论    4
    1.1研究背景    4
    1.2研究意义    5
    1.3研究内容及方法    6
    2.理论综述    6
    2.1市场营销理论的发展    7
    2.2国际营销理论    8
    3.小米公司的国际营销环境分析    8
    3.1外部环境分析    8
    3.2内部环境分析    12
    3.3小米公司SWTO分析    14
    4.小米公司国际营销策略评析    15
    4.1小米公司国际营销策略评价    15
    4.2营销策略制定    18
    5.小米公司国际市场营销策略实施建议    20
    5.1加大专利申请和研发力量    20
    5.2拓宽渠道    20
    5.3进行品牌建设,增强品牌影响力    21
    5.4注重手机设计,寻找新的利润点    21
    参考文献    22
    致 谢    23
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