    Since China's reform and opening up, with the rapid development of our country economy and with improvement of people’s living standard, the number of motor vehicles bought by people in our country increases year by year. The increase of the number of the car to drive the motor vehicle insurance requirements. At present, the motor vehicle insurance has become a main part of property insurance in our country. The stand or fall of motor vehicle insurance business performance determines the property insurance company of business profits. Motor vehicle insurance market reform makes the market price mechanism effectively regulate the market supply and demand. It make a premium rate structure more reasonable. But it also makes our country motor vehicle insurance market more competitive. Motor vehicle insurance subjects to the terms and conditions of the management in insurance rat. Similar products, sales channels rely on car dealerships. These problems lead to the company losses due to increased costs. This paper puts forward some measures to solve these problems in order to develop new channels, establish incentive mechanism, expand sales channels, improve the level of compensation and prevent risk.
    Key words: Motor vehicle insurance; Marketing model; Product homogeneity; Insurance fraudulence;
    摘  要    I
    一、我国机动车辆保险的经营情况    1
    (一)我国机动车辆保险发展的历史回顾    1
    (二)机动车辆保险的经营现状    1
    二、我国机动车辆保险经营存在的问题    2
    (一)综合费率不断上升    3
    (二)机动车辆保险产品缺乏竞争力    4
    (三)重视保费规模轻视承保质量    4
    (四)营销渠道过于依赖车商    5
    (五)核保、理赔服务质量差    6
    三、推进车辆保险发展的对策    7
    (一)引入激励机制控制高赔付率    7
    (二)重视产品的定制开发赢得市场    7
    (三)做好事前风险预防达到风险可控    8
    (四)积极扩展和改善营销渠道走出困境    8
    (五)提高管理水平改善理赔难问题    9
    结语    10
    参考文献    11
    致  谢    12
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