    Today, The role of brand in the enterprise competition is becoming more and more big,can or not shap a brand which the consumers like and accept is related to the survival of enterprises. Studies the influence factors of consumer brand choice and applied to the enterprise brand construction, can let the enterprise achieve advantage in the competition, and consumers can also find  a thoughts of brand, that will promote the sustainable development of the market.
    Based on the survey of Guangdong University of Finance, the article is to study factors related to College students' mobile phone brand choice and the strategy of improving brand construction. By reading the literature of mobile phone brand selection influence factors and the questionnaire survey data, and processing data by spss17.0.Based on the measurement of the sample, establishing a regression model, making brand choice as the dependent variable, making influencing factors as the independent variables, using regression analysis to analysis of the relationship.
    Based on the result of the empirical analysis,we find that positive correlation exists between factors such asProduct image, brand additional features, brand service, brand image, safety and reliability, brand core functions, the purchase price and maintenance costs. Therefore,we put forward some strategy toMobile phone brand construction, Including the design of the focus on the product image and brand image; Attaches great importance to the mobile phone brand at the same time, do not ignore the core function of the development of additional features andImprove the quality of mobile phone hardware and service quality. In addition, improve the mobile phone price, control maintenance cost..
    Key words: Brand;  Mobile phone brand; Brand choice; The influence factors.
    目    录
    摘  要    1
    Abstract    2
    一、绪论    5
    (一)研究背景    5
    (二)研究意义    5
    (三)研究思路及方法    6
    二、品牌选择的影响因素研究综述    6
     (一)品牌及品牌选择概念界定    6
     (二)消费者对品牌选择的影响因素研究    7
     (三)手机品牌及手机品牌选择影响因素    9
    三、研究假设与变量界定    11
    (一)研究假设    11
    (二)变量界定    13
    四、研究设计与实证分析    13
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