    毕业论文关键词:寿险; 个人代理人; 马斯洛需求层次理论; 对策
    American international assurance company in 1992 to enter the Shanghai market in the beginning, in order to quickly open the market situation to the introduction of new life insurance sales model. Insurance agent not only brought the idea of insurance entered into homes, and quickly changed the pattern of the life insurance business development in China, and led to China's life insurance extraordinary development. With the improvement of people's living standard, people's insurance consciousness unceasing enhancement, our country in the development of life insurance business. Personal insurance agent system is mainly to carry out the way of life insurance business, the development of life insurance companies depends largely on his life insurance agent mechanism of quality development. Personal life insurance agent incentive mechanism can smooth transition is the key to the healthy development of the life insurance can, study of life insurance inpidual agent incentive mechanism in our country, have very important meaning. At present, life insurance agent has exposed many problems: personal agent turnover rate is high, the lack of a sense of belonging, seriously affect the life insurance industry's reputation as a whole. This paper will be in guangzhou branch of China life, for example, introduces his personal representative current incentives, the existing main problems, and through to the United States and Japan agent system of draw lessons from developed countries, combined with maslow's hierarchy of needs, proposed the present stage for the inpidual agent system incentive mechanism reform of related ideas.
    Key words: Life insurance;inpidual agent;Maroussi hierarchy of needs theory;countermeasures
    目    录
    摘    要Ⅰ
    (一)代理人的收入不稳定 4
    致    谢12
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