    Abstract In 2000, China formally entered the aging society; the elderly population aged over 65 has reached 8,811 million, accounting for 6.96% of the total population and over 60 years old population of 130 million people, 10.2% of the total population. Our aging process is accelerated ceaselessly, but the community empty nest phenomenon is getting more and more serious that many elderly people are not well cared for, result in a significant increase in the incidence of various chronic diseases. This leads to the possibility of elderly disability greatly improve. The cost of medical care has also become a universal concern. In such a case, long-term care insurance came into being. Not only our long-term care insurance started late and research in this area is relatively weak that cannot effectively deal with the problem of aging, but also the risks of long-term care insurance is high, lack of actuarial data and risk control technology is backward. These factors restrict the development of our long-term care insurance. This paper describes the status of the domestic long-term care insurance first. Then by comparing the foreign excellent experiences to obtain the differences. Analysis of the factors affecting the long-term care insurance development in China based on the perspective of supply. Finally, summarizing the above analysis to explore the strategies of our long-term care insurance to better development.
    Key Words:Aging; Long-term care; Long-term care insurance; Supply
     目    录
    摘  要    I
    一、长期护理保险基本概述    1
    (一)研究背景    1
    (二)长期护理保险    1
    二、国外长期护理保险的发展现状    2
    (一)美国的商业性长期护理保险    2
    (二)德国的长期护理保险    3
    (三)日本的介护保险    3
    三、国内长期护理保险的供给现状分析    3
    (一)我国长期护理保险供给现状    4
    四、影响我国长期护理保险供给的因素分析    6
    (一)风险高、风险控制技术的缺乏    7
    (二)保险费率厘定难度大、精算数据复杂    7
    (三)政府政策和相关法规的欠缺    8
    (四)医疗保健市场不健全    8
    五、改善我国长期护理保险供给情况的对策研究    9
    (一)提高保险公司自身的风险管控技术和水平    9
    (二)积极完善长期护理保险产品    10
    (三)保险公司加强长期护理保险的宣传力度    10
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