    Biological medicine industry is one of the most rapid development momentum of emerging industries in the world, it has important significance to the country and everyone. but at present, although our country can produce almost all of the commonly used drugs and biological agents, but in the field of new drug research and development and industrialization still have bigger gap with the developed countries. If we want to develop a new drug. there must be enough manpower and financial support, but the present domestic pharmaceutical enterprise financing channel single, in addition to the enterprise own capital investment, the usual channels such as equity financing, financing only using formed in the research and development of patent technology, through the research and development achievements into capital, formed a rally of inflows. But one company need 20 years to recoup their investment profitable biological medicine company, how can you just won the favor of investors. This article lists the common in patent financing risk and coping methods, and puts forward some improvement Suggestions.
    KeyWords: bio-pharmaceutical; Licensing Financing; Financing Risk; influencing factor
    目  录
    引言    1
    一、生物医药产业专利融资的现状    2
    (一) 生物医药产业市场的现状    2
    (二) 生物医药产业专利融资的定义    3
    (三) 生物医药产业专利融资的现状    4
    二、 生物医药产业专利融资中的风险概述    5
    (一) 生物医药产业专利融资中风险的定义    5
    (二) 生物医药产业专利融资中风险的特性    5
    三、 生物医药产业专利融资中风险的种类及其影响因素    7
    (一) 生物医药产业专利融资中应考虑的风险的种类    7
    (二)  影响生物医药产业专利融资中风险的因素    8
    1、 估值风险    8
    2、 经营风险    9
    3、 处置风险    9
    4、 法律风险    10
    5、 市场风险    10
    6、 信用风险    10
    7、 政策风险    11
    8、 操作风险    11
    四、 防范生物医药产业专利融资中风险    12
    (一) 投资者如何应对生物医药产业专利融资中风险    12
    1、 贷前风险防范机制    12
    2、 贷后防范风险机制    14
    (二) 对于外部环境的一些建议    14
    1、 健全和完善有关法律和规章制度    14
    2、 为专利退出变现创造有利的外部条件    14
    五、 案例分析    16
    751、总结与结论    17
    致  谢    18
    参考文献    19
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