
    摘要近年来,互联网技术和电子商务产业日益成长,网络购物已然成为一种趋势。伴随着网络购物兴盛的同时,基于六度分隔理论的社交化媒体网络及各种平台也迅速发展。在市场信息更加透明和信息共享更加便捷的今天,传统营销模式以市场导向为基本思想,满足市场个性化需求过高的成本以及满足市场需求所需的时间长,速度慢等弊端滞后于时代发展的需求。将社交网络与网络购物相结合的这种新型商务模式成为市场营销模式中的新宠,受到越来越广泛的关注,并且社交网络营销正呈现出许多新的变化。营销模式的变革、营销新规则的出现对任何企业既是机遇,也是挑战,善行者确实可以在短时间内形成难以估计的营销优势。通过社交网络营销建立的营 销优势是一种强势的、可持续的营销优势。从现在开始,掌握新规则,迎接新挑战,不失为渴望在逆境中超越的企业一种选择。社会化媒体营销的从业者、关注者,必将很快迎来一个令人兴奋的新时代!国内外有许多以典型案例为对象进行的研究,本文是以各种基于社交网络的营销模式的介绍对比进行的研究,并进行综合的探讨与综述。46719

    In recent years, Internet technology and the growing e-commerce industry, online shopping has become a trend. With online shopping flourished at the same time, based on the theory of six degrees of separation social media networks and the rapid development of a variety of platforms. Market information more transparent and more convenient sharing of information today, the traditional marketing model to market-oriented basic idea, to meet the market demand for personalized high costs and the long time required to meet the market demand, slow to show their age and other defects It needs. The social networking and online shopping combining this new business model has become the new darling of the marketing mode, by more and more attention, and social network marketing is showing a lot of new changes. Change occurs, the new rules of marketing model marketing for any business is both an opportunity and a challenge, who does good deeds can be formed incalculable marketing advantage in a short time. Established through social network marketing is a strong marketing advantage, sustainable marketing advantage. From now on, learn new rules, new challenges, after all the desire in the face of adversity beyond the corporate an option. Social media marketing practitioners, followers, will soon usher in an exciting new era! There are many studies abroad in the typical case is the object of study, this paper describes the comparison is based on a variety of social network marketing model of conduct and a comprehensive discussion and review.


    Keyword: Online shopping; social networks; Case Studies

    目    录

    1.引言 5

    1.1选题背景 5

    1.1.1网络购物现状 5

    1.1.2社交网络的发展 5

    1.1.3传统营销的弊端显露 5

    1.1.4社交网络与网络购物相结合 6

    1.2研究的内容 6

    2.文献综述 6

    2.1国外研究现状 7

    2.2国内研究现状 7

    2.3存在的问题 7

    3.传统电子商务营销的分析 8

    3.1传统电子商务营销方式及特点 8


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