

    Abstract: The emergence of the long tail of the Internet has brought the huge impact, the rapid development of network marketing has played a supporting role. Relative before this theorem of the long tail is a kind of new economic model, and was quickly and successfully applied in network economy. The Internet made support for the long tail, unlimited users, zero inventory and digitization become the characteristics of long tail theory in the Internet age. In the amazon and Google, for example in this paper, based on the economic base and the essence of the long tail in, find new breakthrough of the long tail marketing, to break the deadlock in the development of long tail. Will jump out of this study is based on the long tail before introduction to big, but from the details combined with examples to analyze such as an enterprise out of the long tail bottleneck, in the methods and principles of the auxiliary social network marketing to break through the long tail under limitation, not only can make the enterprise to seek long-term development in the short term of an outbreak.


    Keywords: The long tail; The network marketing; Marketing rules; The long tail of three kinds of power;Social network marketing strategy

     目       录

    一、引言 4

    (一)选题背景和意义 4

    (二)国内外研究现状 4

    (三)研究内容和拟以解决的问题 5

    (四)研究方法和技术路线 5

    (五)本文文创新点 6

    二、 相关理论综述 7

    (一)长尾理论概述 7

    (二)网络营销概述 8

    (三)长尾网络营销策略在网络经济时代的应用 9

    三、基于长尾的社交网络营销策略 11

    (一)基于长尾网络营销方法 11

    (二)基于长尾网络营销原则 11

    (三)在方法和原则上基于长尾的社交网络营销策略 12

    四、基于长尾理论的4P社交网络营销策略 12

    (一)产品垂直细分和横向发展 12

    (二)价格的个性化定制 14

    (三)P2P+O2O的混合渠道模式 16

    (四)基于免费的促销方式 17

    五、基于长尾理论的4C社交网络营销策略 18


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