


    With the rapid development of economic society, people's consumption demand are more and more persified and personalized, demand level is gradually improved. Now, to attract the public attention is the first war for starting the brand and sales product, and event marketing is showing more and more important role in enterprise marketing. Present, event marketing is not new, many businesses to follow suit, and some good results have been achieved. But the application of event marketing application in the e-commerce is not popular, study of this problem is not a lot. 

    This paper from the features of event marketing, elaborates event marketing characteristics described as an effective way of marketing has. According to the 5W model, discusses the application of event marketing in the electronic commerce. Through in-depth study of specific cases, analyzes the factors of the electronic commerce to carry out the event marketing. Finally, case analysis and factors, provides some suggestions and risk warning for the electronic commerce to carry out marketing events.

    毕业论文关键词:事件营销; 电子商务; 应用价值;要素

    Keyword: event marketing; The electronic commerce; Application value;Factors

    目    录

    第1章 引言 5

    1.1 研究背景及意义 5

    1.2 研究内容 5

    1.3 研究方法 6

    第2章 文献综述 6

    2.1 事件营销的相关研究 6

    2.2 电商营销方式的相关研究 6

    第3章 事件营销的特点及在电商中的应用价值 7

    3.1 事件营销的特点 7

    3.1.1 低成本 7

    3.1.2 主动性 7

    3.1.3 趣性 7

    3.1.4 渗透性 7

    3.1.5 风险性 8

    3.2 事件营销在电商中的应用价值(5W模式分析) 8

    3.2.1 传播者:社会化媒体盛行 8

    3.2.2 信息:热点事件与资源整合

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