


    Abstract:As a platform emphasizing on local service, community O2O focuses on people’s daily life more and helps residents get a better customer experience. However, the O2O model differences among related enterprises are limited. And the use ratio on community service platform is low. The simplex frustration of community center, slow channel sinking on community and hard landing on service is now hindering the development of O2O.  

    While the survey shows that with the trend of “HER Economy”, the female consumption group, especially the Chinese middle- aged women are now a most potential consumption group for its huge popularity, high consuming capacity, and consumption influence. As a result, this essay is aimed to search the Chinese middle-aged women’s consumption level and cyber usage according to investigation and paper analyze. On the base of the conclusion of current O2O model, a new community O2O model based on Chinese middle-aged women is conducted. This model includes constructing information platform, DM system, and Credibility service center etc. to improve the O2O service efficiency. Moreover, to solve the O2O problems such as “final one kilometers” and the low users’ credit, this essay conduct a new marketing strategy according to women’s passion and freedom. 


    Keyword: Chinese middle-aged female; community O2O; Consumer behavior; female consumption







    2.文献综述 6

    2.1 O2O模式研究 6

    2.2消费群体特征研究 6

    2.3女性消费群体特征 7

    3.中国大妈消费群体消费心理阐述及分析 7

    3.1“中国大妈”定义 7

    3.2“中国大妈”消费群体的特征及心理 8

    3.2.1 群体特征 8

    3.2.2 消费心理 8

    3.2.3“中国大妈”非理性消费行为分析 9

    3.3 基于网络消费与线下体验的问卷调查 9

    3.3.1 调查分析 9

    3.3.2 调查总结

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