


    The analysis of the marketing strategy of Best-selling book "Insight"

    Abstract: In today's publishing industry competition is intense, bestseller marketing plays a vital role, bestseller provides a strong incentive for the publishing industry, also accelerated the development of book market, so the study of its marketing strategy has the vital significance . Bestseller "Insight", for example, this paper first analyzes the macro and micro environment of the book marketing, and then analyzes the use of the book marketing product strategy, channel strategy and promotion strategy . And an analysis was made on the problems of the book marketing promotion strategy is not comprehensive, channel strategy, not reasonable use and microblogging marketing and the problem of insufficient marketing for a long time, and then puts forward the corresponding countermeasure and the suggestion, in order to select marketing strategy to provide some reference to other selle . Need to improve the marketing strategy, injected new vitality to the marketing in order to promote the best seller further development marketing strategy, make the bestseller marketing play a more important role in the book market.

    Key words: Bestseller;《Insight》; Product Strategy; Channel Strategy; Expanding Strategy

    目    录

    摘  要 1

    Abstract 1

    一、畅销书营销相关理论概述 2

    (一)畅销书的概念及特征 2

    (二)图书营销的发展与概念 3

    (三)畅销书《看见》简介 3

    二、畅销书《看见》的营销环境分析 4

    (一)《看见》的营销宏观环境分析 4

    (二)《看见》的营销微观环境分析 5

    三、畅销书《看见》的营销策略 6

    (一)产品策略 6

    (二)推广策略 7

    (三)渠道策略 8

    四、畅销书《看见》营销策略中存在的问题 9

    (一)促销策略的使用不全面,微博营销力度不足 9

    (二)未合理使用畅销书营销渠道 10

    (三)长期营销力度不足 10

    五、畅销书《看见》的营销策略改进建议 10

    (一)合理运用促销策略,加大微博营销力度 10


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