
    Abstract Family education,as a crucial part of the education, takes great effect not only on the growth of a person but also on the development of entire society. This thesis takes Modern Family and Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, the autobiography of Amy Chua, as examples to analyze the differences of family education between America and China in terms of education objects, contents, and methods. And it gives a brief analysis about the differences from the perspective of historical background, cultural traditions and social conditions. In the end, the thesis reaches a conclusion, as well as putting up some suggestions on family education in China, that is, to develop children’s independence awareness and ability, to give equal communication between parents and children, and learn to balance between too much and too little freedom. 53348

    Keywords: family education; differences between China and America; Modern family; Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother


    毕业论文关键字:家庭教育; 中美差异; 摩登家庭; 虎妈战歌


    1. Introduction 1

    2. Literature Review 1

    2.1 Family Education 1

    2.2 Modern Family and Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother 4

    3. The Differences and Reasons between Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother and Modern Family 5

    3.1 The Differences between Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother and Modern Family 5

    3.2 The Reasons of Differences 13

    4. The Revelation on Chinese Family Education 16

    4.1 Children’s Independence Awareness and Ability 16

    4.2 Equal Communication between Parents and Children 18

    4.3 Balance between too much and too little Freedom 19

    5. Conclusion 20

    Works Cited 24

    1. Introduction 

    Family education is a crucial part in the education, playing an irreplaceable role both in inpidual’s growth and in the social development. First of all, family education is the foundation and the beginning in the children’s education, thus would exerting enormous effects on children’s growth. Secondly, family education has a close relationship with social development. If family education can meet the requirements of social development, people cultivated in such families can have a positive role in social development. In the light of its importance, scholars in this field always focus on the issues of family education. How to teach and what to teach have become a study and art deserving intensive study all around the world. Rich experience to its theoretical study has been gained by large amount of practice of family education which also in turns put forward higher requirements. Many comparisons have been made on family education between China and America in a detailed way from the perspective of economy, politics, culture, and history etc. It is beneficial to understand the differences in order to change some traditional wrong concepts, improve parents’ proficiency. This article attempts to put up with some suggestions on the Chinese family education by the comparison of Chinese and America family education with an expectation to promote the improvement on Chinese family education. 

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