
    摘要:在“互联网+”大环境下,企业竞争日趋激烈,品牌扮演着越来越重要的角色,成为企业制胜的关键。企业能有一个知名的品牌,有利于消费者辨别产品、保护顾客和企业的利益,对企业进行广告宣传,扩大市场份额有很大的帮助。企业竞争优势的外在表现是它拥有自己独特的品牌。品牌策略是企业拥有知名品牌的关键,是提高品牌竞争力的重要途径。 本文以加多宝公司为例,研究加多宝公司在“互联网+”大环境下如何进行品牌策略的制定与实施,以及在此环境下品牌策略存在的问题及对策的分析。本文借鉴了大量有关品牌和营销方面的书籍和文献,运用多种方法对加多宝公司品牌策略进行分析研究。得出一些结论望本次的研究能给某些企业一点建议。48488


    Research on JDB Brand Strategy Under the Background of “Internet +” 

    Abstract: In the "Internet +" great environment,companies increasingly fierce competition,the brand plays an increasingly important role as the key to winning business. Companies have a well-known brand,help consumers identify products to protect customer and business interests,corporate advertising,to expand market share of great help. Competitive advantage in the external appearance is that it has its own unique brand. Brand strategy is the key enterprises have well-known brands,it is an important way to improve brand competitiveness. In this paper,JDB's case,JDB research company in the "Internet +" How great environment development and implementation of brand strategy,as well as analysis of brand strategy in this environment problems and countermeasures. This article draws a lot about branding and marketing books and literature,using a variety of methods JDB brand strategy analysis. Draw some conclusions,and hope that this study will give some businesses a little advice.

    Key words: Internet +; Brand Strategy; JDB

    目    录

    摘  要 1

    Abstract 1

    一、“互联网+”背景下中国饮料行业的现状分析 2

    (一)中国饮料行业发展现状 2

    (二)“互联网+”对中国饮料行业的影响 3

    二、“互联网+”背景下加多宝公司市场环境分析 3

    (一)加多宝公司简介 3

    (二)宏观环境分析 4

    (三)微观环境分析 6

    三、“互联网+”背景下加多宝公司品牌策略分析 8

    (一)跨界合作 8

    (二)互动体验 8

    (三)娱乐营销 9

    (四)事件营销 9

    四、“互联网+”背景下加多宝公司品牌策略存在的问题 10

    (一)产品类别单一 10

    (二)媒介选择单调 10

    (三)代言人选择不当 10

    五、“互联网+”背景下加多宝公司品牌策略对策研究 11

    (一)优化产品结构 11

    (二)运用多种营销传播方式 11

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