


    Research on The Problem of Millet Phone Hunger Type Marketing

    Abstract:With the development of the Internet and the rise of online shopping model,Millet from a small company which was established in 2010 to now becoming an excellent domestic mobile phone manufacturer. Millet  comes to the fore in the flourishing mobile phone market in China due to the hunger type marketing strategy. But with the deepening of the millet hunger type marketing in recently years, there has been some problems so that the number of consumers continue to decline. It is difficult for sales  target to complete and enterprise to better development. This  passage carefully analyses millet hunger marketing environment and hunger marketing strategy, find hunger marketing existence questions, and give corresponding suggestions that help enterprises to better use hunger marketing strategy, out of the current predicament which the expansion of mobile phone shipments. Finally this passage will tell company how to obtain significant gains and manage to establish a brand image.

    Key words:Hunger type Marketing; Intelligent mobile phone; Millet Company

    目    录

    摘  要 1

    Abstract 1

    一、 饥饿营销的相关内容 2

    (一)饥饿营销的定义 2

    (二)饥饿营销的特点和内涵 2

        (三)饥饿营销的原理 2

    (四)饥饿营销的优势 2

    二、小米手机饥饿营销市场分析 3

    (一)小米手机饥饿营销前期市场状态 3

    (二)小米手机饥饿营销后期市场状态 4

    三、小米手机饥饿营销策略 4

    (一)寻找饥饿目标,定位客户群体 4

    (二)确保品控,提高手机性价比 5

    (三)做好自媒体,抢首发上头条,宣传造势 5

    (四)售中控制,开放预售,限时抢购 6

    (五)引入网友参与产品的改进 6

    四、 小米手机饥饿营销问题及原因分析 7

    (一)过度饥饿,客户流失 7

    (二)手机更新速度慢 7

    (三)品牌低端 8

    五、小米公司饥饿营销的建议 8

    (一)加强资金回收和流动的速度 8

    (二)手机形成层次,使用不同的销售策略 9


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