


    Research on M & A Cultural Integration Strategy - A Case Study of Su Ning Appliance

    Abstract:Under the impetus of the economic globalization, our country economy rapid development, the scale of the enterprise is more and more big, the increasingly fierce competition, companies are trying to find a way to own powerful, enterprise mergers and acquisitions between applications. But m&a is not a simple task, there are many problems in the process, among them, in the process of m&a can achieve the effective integration of enterprise culture, the choice of how to carry out cultural integration strategy has become decided to enterprise merger and acquisition is the key to success. In this article, therefore, suning successful m&a "red children" company as an example, through the necessity of cultural integration in mergers and acquisitions, m&a cultural integration strategy, as well as to the "red children" suning successful m&a company comprehensive analysis of cases, some inspirations are drawn, hope for other enterprise mergers and acquisitions activity in the rationalization proposal is put forward.

    Key words:Mergers and acquisitions;Cultural integration strategies;Suning


    摘  要 1

    Abstract 1

    一、相关概念的界定 2

    (一)企业并购与文化整合 2

    (二)企业并购中文化整合的表现 2

    二、企业并购中文化整合的必要性 3

    三、企业并购中文化整合策略分析 4

    (一)相互依存式 5

    (二)灌输占领式 5

    (三)融合创新式 5

    四、苏宁并购“红孩子”公司案例的背景简介 6

    五、苏宁并购“红孩子”公司中文化整合策略案例分析 7

    (一)并购前,苏宁重视文化的互补性 7

    (二)并购中,苏宁重视文化的兼容性 8

    (三)并购后,苏宁重视文化的创新性 9

    六、苏宁并购“红孩子”公司案例中文化整合策略的启示 10

    参考文献 12

    致谢 13



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