


     Study on The Brand Construction of "Yan Huai River Valley"

    Abstract:Agriculture is the lifeline of the national economy, our country, so the development of agricultural modernization is an inevitable trend and direction, only to ensure the position of agriculture as the foundation of the economy will not be shaken,countries will be able to build up the economy development design, the society can be stable. Under the trend of world economic development, the strategy of brand building of agricultural products is an inevitable choice and the only way to realize agricultural modernization.Construction of agricultural products brand, for today's agricultural market, it is a common phenomenon. However, how to make a brand of agricultural products bigger, better, stronger, it is necessary to seriously think about and explore the problem. This paper mainly to emerging brands of wine industry "extension of the Wye Valley as an example, from the history of the construction of the brand to analyze how the Yanhuai Valley" the brand bigger and do a good job, and stronger is how to put it out of the country, advance towards the World.

    Key word:Agricultural Product;Brand;Brand Building 

    目    录

    摘  要 1

    Abstract 1

    一、品牌建设理论概述 2

    (一)品牌建设的概念 2

    (二)农产品品牌建设的意义 3

    (三)现今葡萄酒市场的需求与动态 4

    二、“延怀河谷”品牌介绍及其发展状况 4

    (一)“延怀河谷”品牌介绍 4

    (二)“延怀河谷”这地理位置和历史条件 5

    (三)“延怀河谷”发展现状 6

    三、“延怀河谷”以往的品牌建设存在的问题 7

    (一)“延怀河谷”以往品牌建设行为 7

    (二)“延怀河谷”品牌建设中存在的问题 7

    四、促进“延怀河谷”品牌建设的对策 10

    (一)成熟的企业品牌建设意识 10

    (二)得天独厚的品牌建设依托 12

    (三)精准科学的品牌建设定位 13

    参考文献 15

    致谢 16



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