

    毕业论文关键词:失地农民 ;  社会保障 ; 可持续性

     Study On The Sustainable Development Of Social Securities Of Land-losing Persants


    With the accelerating of industrialization and urbanization, land has been expropriated. More and more land has become non-agricultural construction, how to reasonably solve the land-lost farmers' social security problem properly become an urgent problem.At prasent, the social security system have some feature,such as land requisition compensation system is unreasonable,make it difficult for land-losing peasants to fundamentally protect their rights and interests. 

    This paper mainly analysis the subject put forward the background,innovation, and some problems which need to be studied further.Then analysis the reason why the system have these question.at last,there have some ways to solve these questions,such as  improving land requisition compensation mechanism, establishing land assets appraisal system,making scientific land compensation standard, improving the content social security for land-losing peasants, gradually bringing in other securities such as inductrial injury insurance, birth insurance and unemployment insurance,etc” in order to constantly make improvement;perfecting the re-employment mechanism to provide more employment opportunities and enhance the employment skills training for land-losing peasants. etc.

    Key Words: the land-lost farmers;  social security;  suatainable develepment

     目  录

    摘  要 I

    Abstract II

    目  录 III

    一  失地农民社会保障的可持续性解读 1

    (一)失地农民可持续性的社会保障的内涵 1

    (二)可持续性社会保障构成要素 1

    二  失地农民社会保障可持续性不足及原因分析 2

    (一)失地农民经济资本不足 3

    (二)失地农民缺乏人力资本 4

    (三)失地农民物质资本匮乏 5

    (四)失地农民缺乏社会资本 5

    三、失地农民社会保障可持续发展的建议 7

    (一)保证经济来源,保障经济资本 7

    (二)提高就业技能,补充人力资本 8

    (三)解决安置问题,稳定物质资本 8

    (四)融入城市关系网,加强社会资本 8

    (五)其他方面建议 9

    结语 9

    参考文献 10


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