


    On Media Management in Public Crisis Abstract

    At the present stage, the public crisis events happen frequently. With the development of science and technology, the media has become more and more convenient and quick to the information dissemination and acquisition, which makes the media more and more significant in the public crisis.When the public learn about the development of public crisis through the media , what position will the media be placed and what role will it play when the government is dealing with the crisis. As the leading force in the public crisis of government,'s ability to recognize the media to deal with the crisis of public opinion guidance, a correct understanding of the relationship between media, media management, deal with the media become effectively solve the public crisis event is one of the main factors. From the perspective of media in public crisis events playing role begins to discuss, and combining the government is now dealing with the public crisis when the media management, analyzes the deficiencies, to improve the feasibility on these issues opinions.

     Key Words:public crisis;  government;  media


    摘要 I

    Abstract II

    目录 III

    一  在公共危机事件中媒体的角色 1

    (一)媒体被西方社会普遍认为是“社会公器” 1

    (二)直接传递信息的工具 1

    (三)危机预警趋吉避凶 2

    (四)加速危机扩散,加深危机处理难度 2

    (五)新媒体传播的信息虚实相间,缺乏理性引导 2

    二 政府对媒体的管理 3

    三 公共危机事件中的媒体自身管理存在的问题 5

    (一)媒体缺乏自主性和独立性 5

    (二)媒体频频出现“缺位”现象 5

    (三)媒体对公共危机的局部处理出现“暗箱操作” 6

    四 公共危机事件中媒体管理的完善 6

    (一)媒体报道规范化 6

    (二)媒体报道及时性 7

    (三)媒体报道的法律体系健全化 7

    (四)政府信息公开化 7

    参考文献 9

    致谢 10

    现阶段是大事频发的时段。为纪念抗战胜利70周年而进行的 9·3大阅兵引人激昂振奋、自豪感慨;“习马会”,跨越66年的握手,开启两岸发展新的篇章;屠呦呦作为首位中国科学家荣获诺贝尔奖,带来全民科学热潮;“二孩”成为全国话题……但是,公共危机事件也在不断发生。天津港爆炸事件震惊全国;深圳山体滑坡事件让人猝不及防……这一年,发生了很多事,人们通过各种渠道接收到各种讯息,并表达着自己的看法。大众媒体不再是政府处理危机事件的传声工具,已经越来越成为一股不容忽视且逐渐在某些方面起决定作用的应对公共危机的有力武器。

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