
    摘要东海县是我国著名的鱼米之乡,农产品种类丰富,物流量大,为了充分发挥出当地特色农产品的优势,必须尽快构建好农产品物流系统。首先要全面了解和分析当地农产品物流现状,与国内外地区的优秀案例进行比较,找出本地存在的问题;其次要对已找出的问题进行分析研究,寻找解决办法,针对性地提出可行措施,设计出可行的选址方案;最后创新性地研究绿色有机农产品物流和冷链物流,挖掘东海县农产品物流的潜力,将当地物流水平提高到新的高度。 49215


     Donghai county agricultural products logistics development and research


    Donghai County is famous for its abundant agricultural products, so in order to give full play to the advantages of local characteristics of agricultural products, it is necessary to construct a scientific and perfect logistics system. To promote the agricultural product logistics system of Donghai County, we must first fully understand and analysis the existing agricultural products logistics system, compared with other in the domestic and foreign outstanding cases, find out the existing problems; then analyzed according to the identified problems, looking for solutions, put forward the feasible measures; make full use of information network technology, the construction of agricultural products logistics information of modern logistics system structure, design of agricultural products logistics and agricultural products logistics transportation routes rational distribution center; finally, vigorously promote the standardization of agricultural production, focusing on the development of fresh agricultural products and food cold chain logistics and green organic agricultural products flow, the development of agricultural products logistics in Donghai County to a new height.

    Key Words: Donghai county; agricultural products; logistics; green logistic 

     目  录

    摘  要 I

    Abstract II

    目  录 III

    一  引言 1

    (一)选题的背景 1

    (二)选题的意义 2

    二  国内外研究概况 3

    (一)国内农产品物流研究概况 3

    (二)国外农产品物流研究概况 4

    (三)小结 5

    三  东海县农产品物流分析 7

    (一)农产品物流特点 7

    (二)东海县农产品简介 7

    (三)东海县农产品物流现状 8

    四  东海县农产品物流发展建议 10

    (一)政府政策建议 10

    (二)技术管理建议 10

    (三)人才培养建议 12

    (四)未来发展建议 13

    五  总结与展望 16

    参考文献 17 

    一  引言


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