


     Liang shuming's theory of "rural construction movement" of the new custom view

    Abstract“Three rural issues” has always been a focus of attention of the party and the State, the Fifth Plenary Session of the Sixteenth CPC Central Committe puts forward the construction of a new socialist countryside. This article use document analysis on Liang shuming’s “rural construction” theory and its application in Shandong zouping construction of rural social experiment for carding, through an analysis of Liang shuming’s “new custom” view set times and specific content, combined with the real problems facing contemporary rural construction, so as to draw some socialist rural construction and development in the new era of enlightenment. This research focuses on the analysis of Liang shuming’s rural construction in the “new custom” view, difficulty in mining “new custom” on the modern value of socialist rural construction in the new period.

    Keywords: Liang shuming;rural construction ;new custom

    目  录

    0 引 言 1

    1 梁漱溟“乡村建设运动”之缘起 1

    1.1 “乡村建设运动”的时代背景 2

    1.2 传统乡村社会“伦理本位、职业分立”的组织结构 3

    1.3从文化角度阐述传统乡村社会崩溃的主要原因 4

    2 梁漱溟“乡村建设运动”中的“新礼俗”观 5

    2.1何所谓“新礼俗” 5

    2.2 “新礼俗”对传统“乡约”的补充和发展 6

    2.3 建立“新礼俗的”组织原理与构造 8

    2.4 梁漱溟“乡村建设”失败的原因分析 9

    3 “新礼俗”对现代乡村建设的启示 11

    3.1 “新礼俗”对当代村民自治的影响 11

    3.2 “新礼俗”对新农村建设的影响 14

    结论 17

    致    谢 18

    参考文献 19 


    0 引 言


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