


    Countermeasures of Brain Drain in Small and Medium Enterprises


    Small and medium enterprises account for the majority of enterprises in our country. They play an important role in economic and social development. They are important component of national economy. In recent years, with the talent competition, brain drain has become serious in this kind of enterprise, which has influenced and restricted their further development. Based on the human resources development and management theory, this paper attempts to discovery the cause, influence and current situation of brain drain. And brings out some advices to strengthen talents’ sense of identity and belonging, reduce brain drain and promote the development, such as establishment of the correct concept of talent management, building a good business culture, comprehensive incentive mechanism and scientific training system, creating sufficient space for the enterprise staff to develop and strength two-way communication.

    Keywords: Small and medium enterprises; Brain drain; Concept of talent; Incentive mechanism; Countermeasures


    0 引言 1

    1 中小企业人才流失的现状 1

      1.1 人才流向 1

      1.2 流失人才的特点 2

      1.3 集体流失现象 2

    2 人才流失对中小企业的影响 3

      2.1 增加企业的经营成本 3

      2.2 影响企业员工士气 3

      2.3 削弱企业的竞争力 4

      2.4 降低顾客忠诚度 4

    3 中小企业人才流失的原因分析 4

      3.1 企业因素 5

      3.2 个人因素 6

      3.3社会因素 7

    4 中小企业人才流失的对策建议 8

      4.1 提供有竞争力的薪酬,完善激励机制、培训体系 8

      4.2改善工作环境,建立良好的企业文化 10

      4.3更新人才管理理念 11

      4.4进行人才开发,创造发展空间 12

      4.5 加强双向沟通,实行利益与共 13

      4.6 社会、政府的应对策略 13

    结论 15

    致谢 16

    参考文献 17



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