


    Research on the Present Situation and Countermeasures of the Culture Construction of the Small and Medium Sized Enterprises

    Abstract:With the rapid development of market economy, enterprise culture, as the core competitiveness of enterprises, plays an important role in the success or failure of the enterprise. The small and medium-sized enterprise is a very important part of the market economy, and it also faces the fierce competition. Any enterprise, regardless of size, in order to the long-term development of enterprises, should be constructed for their own characteristics of the unique characteristics of the enterprise culture. However, most of the small and medium-sized enterprises to set up time is short, small, so there is the corporate culture understanding is not enough, lack of investment, lack of characteristics, etc., leading to the internal management did  not played its due role. Therefore, small and medium-sized enterprises should used to enhance the understanding of enterprise culture and investment efforts and actively develop culture suited to the characteristics of the business enterprise culture, and makes the enterprise culture in the small and medium-sized enterprise human resources management system play its positive role.

    Key words: Enterprise Culture; Small and Medium Sized Enterprise; Culture Construction

    目    录

    摘  要 1

    Abstract 1

    一、相关概念概述 2

    (一)中小企业的界定 2

    (二)企业文化的内涵与特点 3

    (三)企业文化对中小企业的作用 3

    (四)中小企业文化建设的现状 5

    二 、中小企业文化建设存在的问题 5

    (一)对企业文化认识不足 5

    (二)企业文化建设投入不足 6

    (三)企业文化缺乏独创性 6

    (四)中小企业道德规范意识淡薄 7

    (五)缺乏科学的人力资源管理体系 7

    三、中小企业构建企业文化的措施 8

    (一)提高对企业文化重要性的认识 8

    (二)加大对企业文化建设的投入力度 8

    (三)建立独具特色的企业文化 9

    (四)建立企业道德规范意识 10

    (五)制定科学有效的人力资源管理体系 10

    参考文献 12


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