




    The study of status and development tactics of logistics industry in xinyang city

    Abstract In the contemporary forms of information technology to strengthen and economic globalization, the logistics industry is hot worldwide, has attracted close attention and eager to carry out at home and abroad a variety of state of development of the city. The level of development of regional logistics is one of the factors of regional economic growth rate, so the logistics industry in Xinyang City is extremely necessary.

    Thesis first use of literature analysis to understand the theory and research status of domestic and foreign scholars, and on this basis, the current situation and problems of Xinyang City, the logistics industry is analyzed, and then propose appropriate improvement measures according to the problem. The main conclusions of this paper are: (1) Strengthen the government's macro-regulation and guidance; (2) Rational planning of logistics distribution, logistics and achieve economies of scale; (3) To promote a unified platform for the construction of logistics information technology standardization; (4) To attract and train logistics personnel.

    Xinyang City logistics situation and development countermeasure problem of this study, to speed up the development of the logistics industry in Xinyang City, improve the competitiveness of agricultural products logistics services and promote healthy and harmonious development of economic society in Xinyang city has important practical significance.

    Key Words: Logistics industry  present situation  countermeasures and suggestions

     目  录

    摘  要 I

    Abstract II

    目  录 III

    一  绪论 1

       (一)研究背景 1

       (二)研究的目的及意义 2

       (三)国内外研究现状 2

       (四)研究的内容及方法 4

    二  相关理论综述 5

    (一)物流的概述 5

    (二)区域物流的概述 5

    三  信阳市物流发展现状 6

    (一)信阳市概述 6

    (二)信阳市物流业现状分析 7

    四  信阳市物流存在的问题及对策 12


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