    摘要本次毕业设计的标题是“小天才儿童电话手表江苏省品牌营销策划案” ,客户为小天才儿童电话手表这款产品,该产品的公司是广东小天才科技有限公司,我们主要针对这款产品在江苏市场做品牌推广。儿童电话手表市场上有很多选择,小天才儿童定位手表作为一款新产品,品牌定位较模糊,没有良好的认知与好感。为了解决该问题,我们计划通过执行品牌营销方案,结合线上线下的销售渠道和媒体传播策略,在江苏推广和提高小天才儿童电话手表的销售量。先从前期的市场调查入手,围绕着江苏儿童电话手表行业现状,调查分析竞争对手的优劣势,从而做到我们产品与其他产品区分开来。通过一手资料和二手资料的整理,总结出消费者的购买需求,购买者年龄、收入,以及使用者的态度。从而将品牌定位成“天天陪伴,安全守护”的陪伴形象,在定位安全功能的基础上,重点突出小天才另一定位“体感接听”的特有体感功能。并依据目标市场细分和营销目标为整个营销策略作出规划和具体的4P 策略,通过具体实施整合营销传播策划方案,清晰的传播品牌定位和重点的突出产品的核心卖点,进而提升小天才电话手表在江苏的销量。51207
    XIAO TIAN CAI Children’sWatch Phone BrandMarketing Planning Case in Jiangsu Province
    Abstract The title of this graduation design is ‘XIAO TIAN CAI children’s watch phonebrand marketing planning case in Jiangsu Province’, the customer is XIAO TIANCAI children’s watch phone. The product belongs to Guangdong XIAO TIAN CAIScience and technology Co., LTD. Company.We mainly aimed at the product brandpromotion in jiangsu market. Children’s watch phones on the market have manychoices. XIAO TIAN CAI children’s watch phone as a new product, brandpositioning is fuzzy. There’s no good cognition and affection in the product. In orderto solve the problem, we plan to use brand marketing programs including online andoffline sales channels and media communication strategy to popularize the brand andincrease its sales in Jiangsu.Firstly, we start to do the early market research. In order to make the distinctionbetween our products and other products, we watch around Jiangsu children’s watchphone industry current situation and investigate the advantages and disadvantages ofthe competition.In the consolidation of the primary data and secondary data, wesummarizes the consumer purchase demand, buyers age, income, and the attitude ofthe user.And then to brand positioning into the company of "happy to accompanyevery day, " image, product positioning into "answering body feeling, the hands free"characteristic function of body feeling.On the basis of marketing goals, we develop amarketing strategy planning and specific 4 p strategy to develop children's phonewatches in jiangsu market share.
    Key words: XIAO TIAN CAI watch; Marketing strategy; Integratedmarketing; Brand promotion; The new media
    前言大多数父母不能随时随刻陪伴在孩子身边,孩子上学,出门玩耍.....父母总是想关注自己孩子的每个举动。另外随着智能穿戴产品的流行,很多公司看中了儿童智能穿戴产品的细分市场,开发了一系列儿童定位电话等其他功能的手表,从而减轻父母的担忧。小天才一直致力于儿童市场,因此 2015 年 6 月小天正式推出了儿童电话手表。这是一款新颖产品,刚上市就已经能引起很多父母的关注,我们希望让更多的父母了解这款产品的功能特点,能与竞争对手的相似产品区别开来,换个思路去推广,注重品牌营销,从而提高它的整体销量。江苏地区的经济一直位于全国前列, 消费者的经济能力强, 技术也比较发达,所以江苏省是一个很重要的目标市场。 小天才在江苏省在各个城市有着广阔的市场分布,销售网点,可以方便人们购买。小天才电话手表因其模糊的品牌定位,产品不能与其他儿童手表区分,是我们策划的难点。我们首先以“天天陪伴,安全守护”的品牌定位突出品牌的情感特点,体现小天才的“陪伴,爱,快乐”等特性,其次在定位功能基础上,突出产品“体感接听”的特有体感功能,做到与其他产品区分开来。
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