


    Discussion on Human Resource Training and Development of Cultural Enterprises 

    ----Take Cultural Broadcasting Industry Group of Zhenjiang For Example


    Recently, cultural industry has received extensive attention from social circles as a new growth point of culture economy. As the soul of cultural industry, Human resource constitutes the core competitiveness of cultural industry. Therefore, the development of human resource, which relies on cultural enterprises, has great effect on the revitalization of cultural industry. In this paper, we take the Cultural Broadcasting Industry Group of Zhenjiang as a pointcut, and make it clear that the relation between human resource development, cultural enterprises and cultural industry through the introduction of the related concepts and research results. At the same time, we analyse the problems of cultural enterprises development present situation. Based on this ,we put forward the strategy of human resource development in cultural enterprises, so as to promote the revitalization of culture industry as a reference.

    Keywords: cultural industry; cultural enterprises; human resource; training and development

    目  录

    0引言 1

    1.相关研究概况 2

    1.1文化产业研究概况 2

    1.2人力资源培训与开发研究概况 4

    1.3国内研究存在的问题 6

    2.文化产业振兴与文化企业 6

    2.1文化产业与文化企业概念 7

    2.2文化企业与文化产业振兴 10

    3.文化企业与人力资源开发 12

    3.1人力资源培训与开发 12

    3.2文化企业人力资源开发重要性 15

    3.3文化企业人力资源开发的紧迫性 16

    4.文化企业人力资源开发现状 17

    4.1文化企业人力资源开发实践 17

    4.2文化企业人力资源开发存在的问题 20

    5.文化企业人力资源开发对策 23

    5.1规范开发体系,强化开发制度建设 23

    5.2明确开发需求,提高开发的灵活性 24

    5.3拓宽开发渠道,加强开发的功效性 25

    5.4健全开发评估机制,巩固开发的成果 26

    结  论 27

    致 谢 28

    参考文献 29


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