







    Abstract In construction, engineering change is inevitable. Engineering change management strategies, this project will help reduce the adverse effects of changes on the contractor, and can generate additional revenue for its. Therefore, engineering change management and its strategy is of great significance.

    This quote from an unbalanced, risk management, claims management, and other aspects of engineering contractors in the face of change management methods and strategies to reduce the risk for contractors and increase revenue to provide possible. To solve this problem, this paper the existing laws and regulations for construction projects as the basis, through literature research, case studies and other research methods, from the following three aspects of the in-depth analysis:

    First, from the contractor's point of view, the change of a comprehensive risk analysis, risk management model is proposed to avoid transferring risks.

    Second, for the early stages of the project and construction management phase to construction project legal documents such as the theoretical basis, the introduction of unbalanced quotes thinking, the use of case studies, develop coping engineering change management methods and strategies.

    Finally, the research and analysis of engineering change claims cases, contractor claims made attention to detail, emphasizing the importance of gathering evidence.

    Through this research, gives the Contractor to carry out engineering change management approaches and strategies, which the Contractor may be a reasonable engineering change management, reduce risk and increase revenue.

    Keywords: contractor; engineering change management; Case; policies.

    目  录

    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1选题背景 1

    1.2选题的目的和意义 1

    1.3国内外研究综述 2

    1.4本文的研究的内容和方法 5

    第二章 工程变更管理的基本内容 7

    2.1工程变更 7

    2.1.1工程变更的定义 7

    2.1.2工程变更的分类 8

    2.1.3工程变更程序 9

    2.1.4工程变更成因和影响 10


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