


    The Redesign of the Training System of Taixing OCI Chemical Co,.Ltd  


    Training is an important function of human resource management and development. For enterprises to adapt to the external environment, it is crucial to meet employees self development. Taixing OCI Chemical Co,.Ltd is the basic chemical raw materials, potassium hydroxide and domestic manufacturers. Although it has its own set of training system, the staff training in the participation is not strong, the training plan is not standard, mode of training is single, and other aspects have some problems. Therefore, this article from the staff training needs analysis, training plan, training on content design, choice of training methods and training effect evaluation, re-design the staff training system of Taixing OCI Chemical Co,.Ltd, which is the perfect training system to provide certain reference.

    Keywords: staff training; training system; redesign 

    目    录

    0引言 1

    1培训的相关概念与理论研究综述 1

    1.1 相关概念 1

    1.1.1培训 1

    1.1.2培训需求分析 2

    1.1.3培训评估 2

    1.1.4培训体系 3

    1.2 国内外研究综述 3

    1.2.1 国外研究综述 3

    1.2.2 国内研究综述 5

    2泰兴奥喜埃化工有限公司培训体系分析 6

    2.1 公司概述 6

    2.1.1 公司组织结构 7

    2.1.2 公司的人力资源基本情况 8

    2.2 公司员工培训体系存在的问题及原因分析 10

    3泰兴奥喜埃化工有限公司培训体系的再设计 12

    3.1 培训体系再设计的原则和思路 12

    3.2 培训体系再设计的流程 12

    3.2.1 培训需求的分析 12

    3.2.2 培训计划的制定 15

    3.2.3 培训计划的具体实施 18

    3.2.4 培训效果的评估 19

    3.2.5 培训效果的转化 20

    3.3 培训设计方案 21

    3.3.1 新员工培训 21

    3.3.2 管理人员培训 21

    3.3.3 专业技术人员培训 23

    3.3.4 操作技术人员培训 23

    结  论

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