


     Abstract Low carbon means low (lower) of the greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide) emissions. China's rapid economic growth, the construction made great achievements, but also paid a huge price resources and the environment is destroyed, economic development and resource environment are destroyed increasingly sharp contradictions, the masses of environmental pollution problems reflect the strong. In the world measured by a country's carbon emissions in the country's energy consumption. At present, our country's carbon footprint is the first in the world. This topic mainly studies in architecture at the request of the low carbon emissions, how to do project management. First compared with the traditional buildings, according to their different solutions, mainly adopts the full life cycle project management mode, management at all stages of project implementation, realize the request of low carbon emissions. And found that in the process of project implementation and puts forward the difficulty, take corresponding measures to deal with in time, will eventually building's carbon footprint to a minimum, the extension of the project life cycle, save resources, protect the environment. 

    Keywords: low carbon;whole life cycle ; project management 

    目  录

    第一章 绪论.1

       1.1 本文研究背景..1

       1.2 国内外研究现状1

          1.2.1 国内研究现状1

          1.2.2 国外研究现状1

       1.3 本文研究的内容2 

       1.4 研究本论文的目的及意义.2 

    第二章 建筑工程中如何减少碳排放4

       2.1 低碳排放的定义4

       2.2 建筑企业对低碳排放推广的现状.4

       2.3 新能源的应用..5

       2.4 建筑企业的低碳管理..5

          2.4.1 如何进行低碳管理..6

          2.4.2 企业管理中的误区..6

    第三章 低碳排放要求下的项目管理模式.7

       3.1 传统建筑项目管理模式7

       3.2 低碳排放要求下建筑项目管理设计上的创新7

          3.2.1 降低环境污染7

          3.2.2 节约生态环境资源..8

          3.2.3 提高能源利用率.8

       3.3 低碳排放要求下建筑项目管理方法上的创新8

       3.4 逐步建立完善的用人机制.8

       3.5 全寿命周期项目管理模式.9

          3.5.1 项目特点分析..10

          3.5.2 目标形成阶段..10

          3.5.3 实体形成阶段..11

          3.5.4 运营维护阶段..12

          3.5.5 拆除及后评价阶段.12

    第四章 低碳排放要求下进行项目管理的难点与对策 .14

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