


    To explore the construction of water into the decoration construction management

    Abstract:English summary:Construction of a water birth earlier, widely used in building construction, planning methods proven scientific organization construction. It is built on the basis of pision of labor and mass production on its essence is a continuous operation, the organization balanced construction. It is an effective way to control the construction progress. Compared with the construction engineering decoration engineering design of the process technology is complex, the engineering project amount is small, the project site scattered and set up and personnel and so on In addition to the decoration of the project is mainly to inpidual decoration, a small amount of Engineering design. And this is the decoration of the company or a small decoration decoration workers contracted hand. Less specialized in the renovation project management services decoration management Service Corporation. Renovation works in recent years slowly from the hands of the construction side to open, The service based third party contractor, Specifically engaged in the management of construction projects. Renovation project by the original: the construction of the (contracting parties) -- the owners of the construction party construction management -- a change of owner. Construction management will be the project gathered a co-ordinate arrangements for the construction, at the same time, through the construction management to realize the specialization and standardization construction, enable the construction of water into the decoration project management become possible. In this paper, based on the study of the process technology and project management, Based on the research and application of pipeline construction in construction project management, discusses the feasibility of the introduction of water construction decoration project, and through a case study to illustrate.

    Keyword:Pipeline construction; project; construction period; application

    目 录
















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